I know you've already been very generous in supporting The National Center for Public Policy Research's Risk Analysis Division (RAD), which we launched just this year. It is no exaggeration to say that RAD could not have been as effective as it has been without your generous support. Thank you very, very much.
As the year winds down, I'd be grateful if you'd consider again how much we've been able to accomplish in this, RAD's very first year. RAD has been booked 90 times on 42 different radio shows, (lots of repeat "business"!) I've been a guest on National Public Radio (I know!), nationally syndicated shows, major market stations in cities such as Boston and Chicago, as well as many smaller market shows.
Before starting the Risk Analysis Division, I told you I wanted to be highly productive. I'm happy to report that during the year, I've authored or co-authored op-eds on more than a dozen different topics. Those pieces have been published in 53 newspapers including the New York Post, the Los Angeles Times, as well as top webpages such as National Review Online, Reason.com, and Forbes.com. RAD has also been cited multiple times by 38 different papers and portals such as The New York Times, The Chicago Tribune, CBSNews.com, MSN Health, and WebMD.
We've also had an impact in Washington, testifying at FDA meetings, working with congressional staffers, and being your voice for sound science, limited government, government accountability, as well as transparency in this administration.
How can we be sure the leftists in control of health policy don't want us knowing what they are up to? This year, the Centers for Disease Control, who we've covered critically all year, went out of their way not to allow us to be added to their press list.
But that hasn't stopped us. You may recall RAD's groundbreaking work to uncover the CDCs $2 billion a year slush fund to promote nanny state policies at the local level. Shortly after my piece in The Hill on the topic, the House voted to end funding for this outrageous program. The piece was cited by congressional staff to help gain support for the vote. Next stop, the Senate.
We were only able to start the Risk Analysis Division this year because of the generous support of friends such as you who believe in limited government based on sound science. Industry, as you know, is an undependable ally, supporting the big government agenda more often than not.
Our RAD program has had a phenomenal first year and will have an even more successful 2012. If you've like what you've seen so far, to quote Ronald Reagan, 'you ain't seen nothing yet.'
But to fully fund this important program, I now need your support. I'd be very grateful is you'd make a tax-deductible year-end donation in support of RAD today.
Thank you for your consideration. And thank you for all you do to help us defend and extend American liberty.
The National Center for Public Policy Research is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) foundation. Our tax I.D. number is 52-1226614.
Donations can be sent to
The National Center's
501 Capitol Court, N.E., Suite 200
Washington, D.C. 20002
Please include a note to let us know the gift is for the Risk Analysis Division, or RAD.
Jeff Stier
Risk Analysis Division
National Center for Public Policy Research